boat on the water

Advancing the University & Profession


The department, college, university, and profession requires service from its members to support the functioning and advancement of the institution. To this end, I am committed to supporting the functioning of the University across multiple levels.

For the department, I have served as the interim chair of the HE JEDI Committee (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Excellence), for which I was the inaugural chair (2020-2022). I currently serve on the Executive Committee and the Standing Ad Hoc Committee.

For the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, I served on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee (chaired by Dean Dillard; 2020-2022; 2023-ongoing). For the University, I serve as the interim chair of the Community Development Graduate Group (2024-2025); as a member of the Reconciliation Taskforce for the Graduate Group in Ecology (2024-2025); and faculty advisor to the Vice Provost for Community Engagement and Public Scholarship (2024-2025). (See CV for previous service and leadership roles.) I have also served as a reviewer for grant proposals for university centers and offices including the Feminist Research Institute, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement, and the Environmental Health Sciences Center.

For the UC-wide system, currently, I serve as the lead for the Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience pillar of the UC Center for Climate Justice, and as the UC Davis co-lead for the UC Center for Climate, Health, & Equity. I have worked to build institutional capacity and advance program goals at my previous institution, where I co-founded and co-chaired the City, Culture, & Community Doctoral Program's annual symposium at Tulane University (started in 2013).

My efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across research, teaching, and service have been recognized by the Chancellor's Fellowship for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


I have also demonstrated leadership to support and advance the profession. In this capacity, I have recently been elected Vice President-Elect of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP; 2024-2026). I am also a chapter author for Rural Communities in the upcoming National Climate Assessment 6 (2024-2027). I have also organized a number of panels and critical dialogues for SSSP (2014-2024). Previously I served as the Chair of the Environment & Technology Division (E&T) of SSSP (2020-2022).

Finally, my service to the profession extends to peer review. I have served as a proposal and panel reviewer for NOAA, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. I am an editorial board member of Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (APA Journal, 2024-ongoing), Traumatology: An American Psychology Association Journal (2018-ongoing) and previously for Partner Abuse (Springer; 2017-2023). Additionally, as an ad-hoc reviewer, I review many articles annually for diverse journals including but not limited to Nature Climate Change, The Lancet Global Health, Violence & Victims, Journal of Family Violence, Journal of Risk Research, Energy Research & Social Science, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Environmental Policy & Governance.